April 6, 2008

Kaleidoscope Conference - Early-Bird Registration Extended

The early-bird deadline for the ODTUG Kaleidoscope conference (the one in New Orleans in June with an Essbase-focused track) passed on March 25. That said, the Executive Director of ODTUG, Kathleen McCasland, was kind enough to extend the deadline until "at least April 7" to give time for all the Essbase junkies to get approval to attend who didn't even hear about the conference until after March 25.

The extended early-bird deadline is only for Hyperion attendees, so they had to make a special link. Make sure you go here to get the cheaper rate:

I think I've blogged more times in the last 2 weeks than I have since OpenWorld. It's not that I've had particularly a lot of free time on my hands, but rather that there's been a lot of news happening. Don't be surprised if we get to August and the only post I make for the entire month has to do with what my cat ate for breakfast. [Note to self: get a cat before August, so I have something to blog about.]


Edward Roske said...

As of 10PM CST on April 8, the early-bird registration link is still up and running (with the early-bird pricing). Hurry and sign up before it's too late!

Edward Roske said...

I just got the official word: the early bird registration price will shut down on Friday, April 11, at 5PM Eastern.